April 2, 2020

Meditation and Prayer for Thursday, April 2, 2020

Passage: Mark 1:35-38

Dear Waldwick UMC Families and Friends,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

In the midst of uncertainty, the only thing I know I can count on is the presence of God in all circumstances. Over the past few days, and I am sure for some time to come I have felt waves of anxiety and fear. I have also known peace and hope.

I wish I could say that I had the perfect verse, or a magic prayer that has made me feel normal in the midst of this all. I don’t. I have found comfort that when I am at a loss for words the spirit will intercede for me. I also have been able to center myself through whispering the name of Jesus. Lastly, I have hope that I am not alone in my prayers, that you are praying with me.

Let us continue this journey together knowing that God is journeying with us.

Also, as I announced you last Sunday if you want to share your prayer, meditation, witness, or any story, please send me or sent to all (reply to all).

Thankfully, one of my colleagues, Rev. Gina Yeske shared her own meditation and prayer with us.

I hope this is helpful to give you God’s peace and hope.

May God bless you all!

Grace and Peace,

Eun Ok

Very early the next morning,
Jesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray. 
 Simon and the others started looking for him. 
And when they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you!”
Jesus replied, “We must go to the nearby towns,
so that I can tell the good news to those people. This is why I have come.”
 Mark 1:35-38

I stood staring into the bathroom mirror, annoyed and dismayed. Earlier that day, as I adjusted a display, a wooden cross had fallen and hit me smack in the nose. Now a few hours later I anxiously considered how might I cover up the deep, dark bruise that was spreading across my face.

Ironically, for the first time in many months, my outside matched my inside. I have felt bruised and wounded; this has been a season of uncertainty, sadness and weariness. However, I am quite cleaver in the art of the coverup (just not the kind you do with makeup). On the outside life is just fine, but on the inside I’m bruised.

Have you ever felt this way? Like you have to put on a brave face when things are just not right. All of us have seasons where we would like a good long vacation, yet the pressures of life just won’t allow.

Today I find solace in the fact that Jesus too became weary. That Jesus looked for a place to be away from it all. I will seek a quiet place to be alone with God.

I also find a renewed sense of purpose, that I am called to share the good news. I will open my ears and my mind to share hope, not out of my own strength but through the empowerment of God’s spirit.



Jesus, our flesh and our hearts may be weary, but your strength is carrying us through even the hardest of days. You are bigger than our disappointments and our desires. Today we rest in your goodness. Let it sink into our hearts. Amen.