March 26, 2020

Weekday Meditation on March 26, 2020

Passage: 1 John 5:14, Ephesians 6:18, Jeremiah 29:12, James 5:13, Mark 11:24

Dear Waldwick UMC Families and Friends,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

How are you? I hope all of you are safe and well.

Today, I want to share some Bible verses about prayer to keep praying together for all of us.

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God:
that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”
<1 John 5:14 >
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions
with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying
for all the Lord’s people.”
<Ephesians 6:18>
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me,
and I will listen to you.”
<Jeremiah 29:12>
“Is anyone among you in trouble?
Let them pray.
Is anyone happy?
Let them sing songs of praise.”
<James 5:13>
“Therefore I tell you,
whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours.”
<Mark 11:24>

God promises to hear the cries of His people when they call on Him.
That’s why we should pray for each other, for all of us in our community, nation, and the world.
So, let us pray powerfully, consistently, and confidently together!


Let us pray.

Gracious God,
Frist of all, we want to pray for those who are alone in this time of difficulty.
Being alone is hard. We were created for community, not confinement.
But we’re grateful that no matter how alone we may feel, You never leave or forsake us.
And, we’re grateful for technology that helps us stay in touch with each other.
O Lord, please remind us that this time of social distancing and isolation will not last forever.
And, give us the strength to endure this difficult season, and deepen our connection with You and Your people.
Empower us with an extra dose of Your love, peace, hope and joy, because we need it.
Remind us of Your promises, and please heal our land.

We also pray for all leaders.
Lord, all authority is Yours, but You have given authority to leaders to protect and guide us.
So, we ask that You would give all our leaders wisdom, discernment, strength, and resolve.
Keep them healthy, safe, and rested so that they can continue to guide us through this troubling time.
Give our government leaders wisdom about what needs to be done to stop the virus and stabilize our economy.

Give our spiritual leaders Your discernment on how to meet people’s needs as they continue to glorify Your name and encourage the Church.
Give our medical leaders insight into how to stop the virus.
Strengthen their resolve and honor their hard work in creating a treatment for COVID-19.
Give our civic leaders inspiration, courage, joy, and strength to meet the needs of their communities.
And help us, as leaders in our communities, to display courage, hope, generosity, and kindness.
Would the way we honor others inspire those around us.

Lastly, we want to pray for all churches in the world.
O Lord, thank You that we get to be a part of Your global Church at this moment.
Thank You for the opportunity to spread Your love and hope to a world living in darkness and despair.
Your Words say that if Your people humble themselves, turn away from wickedness, and call on Your name, that You will answer them and heal their land.
So we, Your people, are asking Your forgiveness for the times we’ve chosen not to love the people You put in front of us.
Allow this season to strengthen Your Church and to remind us of how much You love this hurting world.
Please heal our land and use us to meet the needs of others.
Grow our faith as You grow Your global Church.
Come, Lord Jesus, and do what only You can do.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.  Amen!!

Families and Friends in Waldwick UMC!
Let us keep praying and stay in strong and healthy spiritually and physically!!

Have a Blessed day!!

Grace and Peace,

Eun Ok