Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021 Online Worship Service

Happy New Year Waldwick UMC Families and Friends!!

Thank you for all your loves and prayers for our church and ministry during 2020. 
As a new year, let us make a plan for fixing our eyes on Jesus, and then follow him as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!  And, let us keep remembering that God is always with us and leads us!!
As I announced, GNJ Conference staff and Bishop John Schol will offer Online Worship Services on Jan.3 and 10, 2021 for the “Clergy Renewal Leave”
Let me send you the information and link.

Epiphany Services on January 3 and 10, 2021

Services in English, Korean and Spanish will be played live on GNJ’s YouTube Channel at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday or you can access them from GNJ’s Facebook page.  

Click Here for YouTube –>

or Click Here for Facebook page –>  

Vimeo Download Links for Epiphany Renewal Services (anytime you can watch them)

Week 1:  January 3
English service
Spanish service
Korean service

Week 2:  January 10
English service
Spanish service
Korean service

I hope and pray that you can join one of the online services and worship our Lord with our company!

Have a happy & blessed New Year again!! 

Grace and Peace,

Eun Ok