Announcements: |
* Welcome Back to Church!! * Worship Service will be held in the Sanctuary (not Fellowship Hall) at 9:30 AM. * Please wear a mask and come to church. * For those who worship at home, online worship resources will be sent by email. • Our Service will be “Touch-Free” service. — We will have paperless bulletin, weekly newsletter, Hymns, and Bible. — We won’t pass the offering plate nor microphone for the time of community & intercessory prayer. — Offering Plate and Prayer Request Box are placing on the Table near the sanctuary door. — Please put your offering in the plate, and prayer request memo in the Prayer Box before Worship Service starts. — You may send your offering to Church by US Mail and you can give us Prayer Request by email (to Pastor Cha orto church office) or you ask prayer through the church website. — No hugging or kissing for all our safety. — No Coffee Hour (no food) • Admin Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 7PM * Sunday School starts at 11:00 am through Online(via ZOOM)!! — During Summer, our Sunday School service and Bible activities will be held via ZOOM (online worship) for children’s safety. — If your children want to join the Online Sunday School, please email Pastor Cha (or Church Office) Topic: Sunday School Worship Service Time: July 19, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 766 9556 5556 Password: Jesus |
* New Church Website and SNS:Website: Facebook Page: ** Free CODID-19 Test Available! The Borough is partnering with Bergen County to provide COVID-19 testing in Waldwick next Tuesday, July 21st. -Testing is available to any Bergen County resident, or employee of municipal or county government. For more information, click here: |
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* For Posting Announcements, you may send it to Mary Keller ( or to Church Office (201- 652-5130 / by Wednesday. * If any of you need food or any help, please contact to church office or Pastor Cha. * If anyone would like to ask prayer to Pastor Cha, or talk with her,please request to the church office, or Pastor Cha.She would like to talk with you and pray for you! (Office: 201- 652-5230. Cell Phone: 973-270-7732Email Address: LIGHTSORI1004@GMAIL.COM ) |
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The Weekly News is emailed weekly to keep members and friends of The Waldwick United Methodist Church informed of our programs and people. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday of each week. Articles received after the deadline will be included in the next news. |
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![]() ![]() July Birthday wishes to Bob Dodds July 13th Hannah Nappi July 23rd Bob Fernands July 26thMary Mooy July 31st |
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PRAY TOGETHER FOR… * Please send you prayer concerns by call or email to the office or Pastor Cha. 1. June Wick asked prayer for her daughter, Sharon. She fell and broken her hip again. Please pray for healing for her hip and cancer as well. 2. One of our congregation asked prayer for her/his uncle could get out of jail. (I can’t let you know the name, but please pray for him in Jail) 3.. Pastor Cha asked prayer for all visitors and new comers whocome to church today. 4. Prayer for all who have a birthday in July. May God bless them!! 5. Please Keep praying for Carmella Morey for her comfort and peace in God’s love and care. 6. Keep praying for Dotty Tuck, Bob Fernands, Alida, Peter, Betty Gregory, Betty Johnson, Mary Mooy, June Wick, Joan Mefford, Roberta Lucy, and other elders who are in nursing homes or stay at home alone. 7. Keep praying for Dominic’s three daughters(Sarah, Lauren, and Alexa) and their families including two grandchildren, Charlotte and Elijah. 8. Keep praying for Laurie, and other doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers in our communities, our nation, and the world. 9. Keep praying for all church members to stay healthy and safe, and have a strong faith in Jesus Christ our Lord! |
Dorothy Tuck Please pray for Dorothy and her family. Let’s express our love to her by sending a card or visiting her. (she recently moved to the place below: ) Valley View Center for Nursing Care and Rehab(2 Glenmre Cove Rd. Goshen, NY 10924) Her new cell phone Number: 845-703-0386 Bob Fernands Please pray for Bob and his family. Let’s express our love to him by sending a card or visiting him. Care One at Valley(300 Old Hook Rd, Room 20, Westwood, NJ 07675) Carmella Morey Please pray for Carmella and her family. Let’s express our love to her by sending a card or visiting her. Woodcliff Lake Health and Rehabilitation Center(555 Chestnut Ridge Road, Room 317, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677) – 201-326-2310 Alida Manley Please pray for Alida and her family.Let’s express our love to her by sending a card or visiting her. Veterans Home(1 Veteran Way, Paramus, NJ 07652 Room# T2) Peter Durkin Please pray for him for strength and his fast recovery.Let’s express our love to him by sending a card or visiting him. Brandywine Living at Mahwah(814 Wyckoff Ave, Mahwah, NJ 07430 Apartment# 108) Betty Gregory Please pray for her recovery.Let’s express our love to her by sending a card. (visitation is limited) Brandywine Living at Mahwah(814 Wyckoff Ave, Mahwah, NJ 07430 Room # 315) Click here for pastoral care request |
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* NJ Annual Conference & Palisades District News. The following are the essential actions and information for this week: 1. Survey – for lead PastorsWe have re-instituted the survey for at least the next six weeks for all lead pastors to complete to help GNJ leaders best understand reopenings, finances and ministry so that we can make adjustments and best serve our leaders and congregations. You will find this week new questions about child care ministries as we seek to assist congregations with this important ministry during the pandemic. This week’s survey can be found here and will be open through Thursday at 10:00 a.m. in order to process the results and consider at the cabinet’s Monday meeting. The results will also be posted on Thursday at 4:00 p.m. here. 2. GNJ COVID-19 Grants, FEMA Recovery Grants and Extended CARES Act PPP Grants– for Clergy, Trustee and Finance Chairpersons GNJ set aside $2 million and raised an additional $189,000 for food and other related COVID-19 ministry and to support congregations. To date, GNJ has distributed $323,857. You may apply for a grant here. Churches can qualify for FEMA recovery grants for specific items including cleaning services, equipment, and supplies, PPE (personal protective equipment), food distributed to the community and furnishings or property renovation made necessary by the pandemic (e.g., replacing pews with chairs or replacing large tables with smaller tables for social distancing). The grants are reimbursements only and specific procurement requirements must be strictly followed in advance of the spending. Information on the FEMA grants can be found here. The CARES Act has been extended and is now accepting new applications for funding. We estimate that GNJ churches have already received between $4 and $5 million in funding from this program. Clergy in new appointments to churches who have not received this funding are encouraged to apply now. Information for applying at this time can be found here. 3. Reopening Guidance – for All Clergy, Trustee ChairpersonsThe GNJ MRC (Mission and Resource Center) is not scheduled to reopen before September 1. With the resurgences of the virus, we encourage all churches to go slow and be thorough. Our goal is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and ensure zero transmission through United Methodist activity. The landscape for the pandemic continues to change and further reopening steps are pausing as state governments assess recent upticks in COVID-19. Before opening church buildings, all congregations in GNJ are to continue to follow the guidelines established by their governors and create a plan according to GNJ guidelines that can be found below. New Jersey New York Pennsylvania GNJ Guidelines 4. Clergy Appraisals – for All Clergy, SPRC Chairs ChairpersonsClergy appraisals provide pastors with feedback about their leadership and progress. All clergy appraisals are to be complete by July 15. In the time of COVID-19, the cabinet is offering congregations a simplified appraisal process that includes only three questions. If desired, congregations are also welcome to complete the standard appraisal. Information about the appraisal can be found here. 5. Church Conferences – for Pastors, Admin/Church Council ChairpersonsChurch (or charge) conferences will be held this fall, most likely remotely. This morning, you will have received an email outlining log-in information for Arena to complete your church conference paperwork. All paperwork is due on September 21. For details. Thank you for your ministry and leadership. Quick links to items in this email: SurveyGNJ COVID-19 Grants FEMA GrantsCARES ActT PPP GrantsNew JerseyNew YorkPennsylvaniaGNJ Reopening GuidelinesClergy AppraisalsChurch Conferences |